How logarithm’s, music and math yield 40,655 as a target for the DJIA

If you have gone down the rabbit hole that I have (hint it never stops) then you uncover tidbits of information that you would never think were important but one of those moments of “that’s cool” and move on …

I am eyeing a NICE currency position and then ended up cruising around the charts and was looking at Monthlies on a bunch of stuff. The charts reminded me of some of my early market music stuff and I figured I would go back and check em out …

Came across this long term DJIA chart ( I won’t bore you the importance of logs, numerology, blah blah and read the first sentence above. :)) It’s a technique for price projections that I learned from my friend and mentor, Michael Jenkins ( – RECOMMEND), and the results were pretty astounding.

I’ve shown some past blogs around the importance of the number 28.48. It’s a key PRICE NODE that has been at most tops and bottoms. So using it as a projection technique? Why not!

Then, you know I love music so … why not combine them w/ rates of change (logs) and … well the result is below. The use of logs and musical note ratio’s from the all time low on the DOW have been almost exactly the price using the log projection w/ the musical note E ratio.

The next appearance of this PRICE is 40,655 as annotated on the chart. One last, take a note of the blue arrows. the basic AB=CD lands, close enough, right on our target.

At this rate, from a timing perspective, it’s not that far off now is it ….?

Cycles are lining up, just saying.


below, note the symmetry of the projections and how, at least for now, EVERY MOVE, has been equal to each other and aligned w/ the Golden Mean.

Author: BART

BART is a CMT and an expert a "advanced" pattern recognition used w/in the intermarket analysis discipline. He's also an accomplished Business Development Executive providing solutions to a myriad of business markets.

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